Must Read: Another day, another wedding fraught with drama and confusion!

Why are so many wedding stories about awkward situations?
Not everyone has a fraught relationship with their mother-in-law , but there's obviously enough juice in the stereotype to warrant countless jokes.

But to give credit where credit's due, it's not always the put-upon mother-in-law who's at the root of all the family drama, spinning her web, plotting and cackling as she rubs her hands together.

In-laws in general can be a tricky bunch. And nowhere can this become more apparent than when it comes to wedding planning.

One lady found herself the unwelcome focus of a wedding/in-law conundrum when she was told she'd be wearing a bridesmaid's dress to her sister-in-law's wedding.
But the twist in this tale is this: She's not actually one of the bridesmaids.

Asking if she was "being silly" to be offended by the instruction, Redditorelectricandlive asked for advice on how to handle the situation.
"Are you actually a bridesmaid?"

"I'm a professional musician and my sister-in-law asked me to play her down the aisle, so I was like 'yes, no problem I can do that.'

"At dinner the other night my mother-in-law says she needs me to play at arrivals too.

"My husband and father-in-law both speak out and say something to the affect of 'she's family she wants to enjoy the wedding and not be working' but I again grin and agree and take the hit, let's not make things awkward.

"Mother-in-law then says 'at least you'll get a free dress'. Turns out they want me to wear the same dress as the bridesmaids."

No only did this come as news to electricandlive, but it also made her feel bad - and worried how it might appear to others.

"This makes me feel a) like it'll seem like I WANTED to be a part of the bridal party but didn't make the cut so as consolation they're letting me wear the dress."
"And b) a bit like I'm being treated as part of the furniture/hired help."
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